SATURDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Isa 58:9-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 The Healing Presence of God We start the reflection today by recalling that the creation stories we read from the book of Genesis and our meditations on the stories showed that the purpose of God’s creation of the universe was to guide man and woman to himself. God created the material universe to guide them through the ladder of created things to the acknowledgment and deep appreciation of the creator and God. In other words, creation guides us to a religious awareness of God and due worship of him. We must never forget this fundamental truth, a principle of our relationship with God. Guided by this basic truth, we can judge the value of every of our religious practices. Any religious act or moral behaviour that does not proceed from our awareness of God’s presence and goodwill towards us will surely miss the mark. Without this principle, we cannot keep or fulfil the precept of charity, as Yahweh demands through Isa...