ST. ALPHONSUS DE LIGOURI, BISHOP Reflection from Friar Nicholas Okeke, OP Jer 18:10,1-6; Ps 146:2-6; Mt 13:47-53 The Potter and the Clay We celebrate another great saint and founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, St. Alphonsus de Ligouri. The writing of this wonderful saint and bishop shaped the foundation of my spirituality and vocation. His books captured my interest when I started reading spiritual books; they helped my spiritual life and devotion in no small way. Looking back on the influence of his works on my spiritual formation, I can say that they formed my initial understanding of how the grace of God works on our souls. A good analogy is that of a potter working on clay, as Jeremiah presented in the reading. God directed the prophet Jeremiah to visit the potter at his house to understand how he works. The visit must have illuminated Jeremiah’s mind on his struggles with the word of God and the people of Judah. What he understood when he got to the p...