Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6,8,11; Mt 13:24-30
The good and the bad seeds
life on earth is a time of trials, pains, and death, notwithstanding the brief
moments of joy and pleasure we also have. To make good of the difficulties of
the short human life, we must allow God to plant the good seed of eternal life
in us. The seed of the word of God must grow in our souls, tended by personal
awareness. Our Lord used the parable of Sower to enlighten us on the importance
of safeguarding the heavenly seed God plants in our souls through his word. In
today’s gospel, he paints a complementary picture of our reality by informing
us of another seed, not of God but of the evil one, our ancient enemy. There is
a good seed, sown by the Son of God from the heavenly Father. The enemy of our
souls also sows a bad seed. Our Lord revealed this truth himself, which should
preoccupy us. “Jesus put another parable before the crowds: The kingdom of
heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While
everybody was asleep his enemy came, sowed darnel all among the wheat, and made
off. When the new wheat sprouted and ripened, the darnel appeared as well.”
Just as in Genesis, the evil one planted a lie in the hearts of Eve and
Adam and confused them about the truth of the word of God, he comes to plant his
lies within our hearts when we are not on guard over the word of God we have
of this parable overlaps with that of the Sower; according to Jesus, the seeds
that fell on the pathway are souls that lack vigilance and receive the word
without understanding. The evil one comes to carry away the eternal truth sown
in their hearts, leaving them with his lies. In this case, he cannot remove the
truth of the germinated word but puts his lies beside the true seed. His aim is
usually to influence the growth of the truth of the faith in our minds
negatively by competing for the attention of our minds. This aspect relates to
Yahweh's concern about the worship in the Temple of Jerusalem; he sent the
prophet Jeremiah to condemn it. “Listen to the word of the Lord, all you men of
Judah who come in by these gates to worship the Lord. The Lord Sabaoth, the God
of Israel, says this: Amend your behaviour and your actions and I will stay
with you here in this place. Put no trust in delusive words like these: This
is the sanctuary of the Lord, the sanctuary of the Lord!” The prophet
warned the people about their corrupted worship of God. The enemy has left them
with an empty and delusive praise of the external forms of their religious
practices, emptied of essential and spiritual contents. The prophet called
their attention to the essentials they had abandoned: treating each other
fairly, not exploiting strangers and the weak, not shedding innocent blood, not
worshiping idols, etc.
danger of evil influence abounds everywhere today. It comes in various forms,
subtle and difficult to detect. Hence, we must be extra vigilant over our lives
and conduct. We must be mindful of what we take in daily through the senses;
especially social media. Evil seeds are sown even through religious outlets and
in the garb of the word of God. Social media have made this problem pervasive
and with terrifying dimensions and consequences. Our reflections have focussed
on the word of God and the need to meditate and pray daily because of this
prevalent problem. A critical evaluation of all our assumptions and
presuppositions with the word of God ensures we are living by God’s will and
not following the teaching of the evil one. This is the source of the deepest
struggles of Christian souls. There are so many things done in the name of
religion and the worship of God that are not in accord with the word of God.
The false teachings and practices would come to light at the time of judgment.
God allows true and false religion to thrive for his good purpose. An attempt
to weed out the darnel might cause the pulling up of the wheat. “Let them both
grow till the harvest; and at harvest time I shall say to the reapers: First
collect the darnel and tie it in bundles to be burnt, then gather the wheat
into my barn.” We must wait on God daily and allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten
us on the will of the Father and pray for the grace to live it out. The Rosary
prayer and meditation help discern the will of God and distinguish good from
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