SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS Rev 7:2-4,9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12 The Blessed Children of the Eternal Father We celebrate the solemn feast of All Saints. It is a celebration of all the triumphant members of the Church. We praise and thank God for the great work of salvation he has accomplished in our brothers and sisters who have made it to the banquet of heaven, now waiting for us to complete their number. The revelation given to John captures the essence of our celebration. “After that I saw a huge number, impossible to count, of people from every nation, race, tribe and language; they were standing in front of the throne and front of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palms in their hands.” This vision confirms what we have reflected on from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians throughout the week. We contemplate the mystery of God’s heavenly blessings given to all peoples, Jews and Gentiles alike, in Jesus Christ. He explained how faith in Jesus Christ admi...