Monday, Second week of Lent
Reflection from Friar Nicholas, OP

Theme: Integrity belongs to the Lord

The Lord is consecrated to his word. He does nothing which is not in total conformity with his word. This flows from the simplicity and infinite perfection of God. Thus, for Israel to suffer ill or evil in covenant relationship with God implies that they are unjust in their dealings with God. This is the logic that the prophet Daniel brought to bear on their situation in Babylon while on exile. Because God is ever true to his Name and his word, he could not have failed to protect Israel from their foreign invaders without Israel failing to keep their part of the covenant. “O Lord, God great and to be feared, you keep the covenant and have kindness for those who love you and keep your commandments: we have sinned, we have done wrong, we have acted wickedly, we have betrayed your commandments and your ordinances and turned away from them.” This departure from the word of God brought trouble to Israel. God’s dealing with Israel was to be a demonstration to all nations who would have the knowledge of God emanating from Israel as the chosen people of God. The will of God to use them as a consecrated nation for the demonstration of his holiness was not thwarted; their infidelity to his commandments and the punishments that came to them served as a demonstration of God’s consecration to his word or his holiness. God’s pardon of their sins also shows forth his loving compassion and mercy, which is also a demonstration of God’s holiness. 

Subsequently, God uses both the faithful hearts and the unfaithful hearts to show forth his holiness to the nations. The children of Israel served the purpose for which God chose them in Abraham their father. The Church of Christ plays similar role in the New Testament to that of Israel in the Old Testament. The Eternal Word of God, Jesus Christ our Lord, is consecrated to the Church, which is consecrated to him as his body. He remains faithful to the Church for the salvation of all her children who are faithful to the new covenant. When we are faithful to Jesus Christ, whom the Father bids us listen to, our life shows forth the goodness and faithfulness of God to all. When we are unfaithful, his treatment of us still shows forth his justice, goodness and compassion to all in his punishment of our infidelity and forgiveness of our faults in his beloved Son Jesus Christ. But our vocation to show forth God’s goodness is best achieved through faithfulness. Hence, Jesus admonished us: “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned.” A faithful heart is a canvas on which God display his divine goodness. We are called to be consecrated to God, so that God’s consecration will flow from us to others.

Let us pray: Grant us, Lord, to abstain from all sin, strengthen our hearts to carry out your loving commands and live out our consecration to you. 


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