Thursday, Fifth Week of Lent/2024
Reflection from Friar Nicholas Okeke,OP
Theme: The Covenant of Inheritance
discuss further the theme of this week’s reflection, which is covenant, taking
up the aspect of the perpetuity of the covenant and the inheritance thereby. We
cannot over-emphasize that the word of God spoken to men constitutes a covenant
relation. The word of God is God by essence, and when spoken to men, it
establishes a relationship between God and men who receive and keep the word.
By keeping the word of God within us, we become a habitation of God, who
invariably becomes man’s habitation and shelter. Thus, the Promise God made to
Abraham became a reality by the very fact of God speaking and willing it. The
physical manifestation of what God promised would depend on and wait for
Abraham’s internalisation of the word and exercise of faith in the word of God.
Hence, because the word of God became his dwelling place and gradually evolved
the physical realities promised him, the word is said to be Abraham’s
inheritance. The word of God is the Promised Land, the multitude of nations who
are his progenies, his fruitfulness, the kings issuing from him, his perpetual
Covenant, and the God of Abraham. The word of God spoken to Abraham is the seed
of all these realities manifested in his life. The word of God is God given for
our safekeeping.
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