1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12,14-17; Lk 6:20-26

The Passage of Time and our Marriage to the Lord

When the Pharisees and scribes challenged our Lord on the fact that his disciples were not fasting and praying as they and the disciples of John the Baptist were doing, he gave them an answer that we can understand only in the light of the mystery of Christ and his Gospel. St. Paul’s consideration of the celibate option for the Christians throws much light on the Lord’s response to the Pharisees and scribes. Our conversion to Jesus Christ should colour every other engagement in this life. According to Paul, the major focus of our attention must be Jesus Christ. Because of this primary and defining vocation of a Christian, our Lord compared his disciples to attendants to the bridegroom. We are to attend to Jesus Christ, the word of God, first before anything else. Based on this bounden duty, Paul encouraged any Christian man or woman to opt for celibacy. Because every other duty or engagement takes the second row when compared to our Christian duty to attend to Jesus Christ, we are truly attendants to the Bridegroom. “I believe that in these present times of stress this is right: that it is good for a man to stay as he is.” Whatever our present state, we should not seek more engagement and stress but focus more on Jesus Christ and journey into his mystery with the limited time we have to make this necessary journey.

It is the making of the journey into the mystery of Jesus Christ that will transform us from attendants to brides. Because this journey is interior, requiring our mind and heart, Paul preferred the celibate to the married state. The reason for his choice is the freedom it offers the one attending to Jesus Christ to be committed to the journey and transform into a bride in a shorter time than married Christians. “They will have their troubles, though, in their married life, and I should like to spare you that.” But the vocation to the bridal status is for all, irrespective of our status now or profession. The demand of the Gospel is for everyone to focus on Jesus Christ and journey into his mystery within the short time we all have. “Brothers, this is what I mean: our time is growing short. Those who have wives should live as though they had none, and those who mourn should live as though they had nothing to mourn for; those who are enjoying life should live as though there were nothing to laugh about.” Every occupation and profession must now receive less of our concern, thought, and love. In other words, these engagements are now to be taken up for the sake of Jesus Christ to whom we all tend. The journey into Jesus Christ takes a lifetime, so we must not waste limited resources (especially time) on any other engagement. “I say this because the world as we know it is passing away.”      

In the Gospel, our Lord called those who have acquired the mindset of the Gospel blessed. Their constant attendance to the word of God has transformed them into brides. The bride is the one who desires union with the groom. This desire, which causes her to pant and thirst for his coming and his embrace defines the fast and prayer suitable for a Christian. Hence, our Lord said the attendants will fast when the bridegroom is taken away from them. The groom is taken away when they transform into the bride of the groom. This state is the beatitude our Lord proclaimed in the Gospel of today. “How happy are you who are poor: yours is the kingdom of God. Happy you who are hungry now: you shall be satisfied. Happy you who weep now: you shall laugh. Happy are you when people hate you, drive you out, abuse you, denounce your name as criminal, on account of the Son of Man.” These describe the fast that characterise a Christian, for they are descriptive of the bride of Jesus Christ. One who attains these blessed states has advanced into the mystery of Jesus Christ. He lives as if he lives not but Jesus Christ living in him. For this same end, Paul admonished us to live as if we are not living in the world and have no dealing with it. “Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words: forget your own people and your father’s house. So will the king desire your beauty.

Let us pray: Grant us, Lord, the grace to understand how short our time is, that we may acquire wisdom of heart, and focus all our attention on your holy word and be speedily transformed into brides of Jesus Christ, eager to reach the marriage hall of heavenly kingdom.   


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